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Old 05-28-03, 09:40 PM   #25
Dadi Kewl
-Merk Squad-
Posts: 1,755
From: England

1.In a freak accident you are thrown from a building or are about to be run over with a fork lift or something. Just a second before your death time stops, and god tell you to explain why you should or shouldnt get into Heaven.

2.u took a trip to paris....ur wanted by the police who has mistaken u for some one do u get back to the u.s.

3.u an astronaught - describe ya journy

4.Noting about santa (lol bruklor)

5.(more detailed, for Title battles?)
Your a minimum wage worker, u dropped out of highschool, and do construction while living with your highschool sweetheart...coming home from work, you find your woman in bed with somebody, but u can't tell who he is. You chase him, you catch him, and its either a. your brother b. your best friend c. your boss.

describe what you do...and if u murder them, you cannot use a gun or a knife... you can use something with a blade on it, but not just some kitchen knife, put some thought into the weapon.