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Old 05-29-03, 09:29 PM   #15
Posts: n/a

As i emptied out my pocked i thought i'd drop what ever i've wrote so far. So if deadline comes, and it aint complete. Then at elast i have something here to be 'judged'.

Not usually much good at writing with an actual pen and paper (prefer typing, tis quicker and just flows..). But it seems like all of this will be done the 'way of the pen'...(!)..

I wrote this first stanza on the bus and then walking home this night. Would've done more, but i got distracted by an old grannie being attacked by a bunch of piranhas. She eventually got them under control, and told me quite delightfully "i'll be having fish tomorrow then, so i and me 20 cats.."...i.e. i lost my thought process into the beauty of my urban surroundings and i was nearing home anyway....(er....)...anyway..

Note by note i dance to tunes of green
Played by deep desires masked in titilation
Soul leaking purpose as i slowly weep
My tears supressed to fall deep within

Off for now...