Thread: White Rappers
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Old 05-30-03, 12:09 AM   #10
Van Ished
Throwback Member
Posts: 962
From: Dallas/Jacksonville/Cleveland

wtf, I was expecting somethin like "whit rappers are on the come up". And I got that until the end when this fool said ", they're more talented then black rappers. They don't have to stopp so low to write about women and guns, they do some philosophical scientifical shit."

either you're oblivious to rap, or you're jus retarded. I ain't even gotta name underground cats, fuck it I'll use people I don't even like: Nas, sometimes Jay-Z, Mos Def, Talib, shit everyone has a deep track in them. To say that white people are better than us blatantly like that is stupid cuz no one is on top, it all depend on the listener you attract.

For instance, Bone Crusher, I hate his song, but he knows very well that there are morons out there who will here the bass, and the simple but catchy hook, and bite into that shit. That's clever and I repsect his means of attracting an audience, even tho I don't like his song. And Eminem, "The Real Slim Shady"? Wtf that songs lameness is self explanatory.

Therefore, no race is better than the other, there are no greats, only peoples opinions.
^quote that shit an put it in your sig....pz
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