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Old 05-31-03, 12:53 AM   #18
Posts: n/a

Tis finished! Did it on the bus, on my way from home (X2) and just chilling outside...though the finishing touches were made’s still quite raw as it’s late, i’m nakard and i can’t be bothered to go over it again and again. But no real apparent ones. Just aint gone over it as much as i would’ve liked.

Note by note I dance to tunes of green
Played by deep desires masked in titillation
SOUL leaking purpose as i SLOWLY weep
Acidic tears supressed to fall deep within

I rose from ashes of the many that burnt
Like a phoenix amongst sparrows n crows
Through rustic bars of the rotting cage
To sing free my liberation from systems flailing

Everyday sitting in buildings of grandeur
To sharpen my PEN with words of wisdom
Spoken so true by my sage teachers
Abosrbing to heart becoming lost in it all...

I begun baring to fuse ART with RAW life
Visions of such innocence soon withered away.
Rubbing firm nipples against cold metal floor
I slither like a snake so sexy in such dirt...

Firm round cheeks to lure these beasts of man
With tongue to entice their money unto me..
“Encore” I hear a voice so strangely familiar
It’s professor he sits alone sipping scotch n rum

ECHOING satire upon irony’s merciless sword
For he saw feminist ART in it’s RAWEST form..

His WORDS resound as my next show slowly nears
“Epiphany” i say in response grabbing my FLICK knife
For this shall be final tragedy for ART to follow
To be lost in darkness where I can finally rest

Naked but for a thong that holds my trusted tool
Upon stage yet still i write moving towards my neck
They gasp, stunned, what are they to think?
Let horror ECHO within mirroring one's SOUL
"FLICK" See here the vengence of my ART

Let it be, i must let it be, i do it, right now, now, no (..)*

*IT could be two ways. One, she did it before she could write the w. Or she said ‘no’, she aint going to do it. And that’s what the no was there for..

I’ll explain the overall jist of it AFTER Deacon judges it.

Oh and Deacon. I know i did about 6-7 morelines. But i thought that as other people usually do longer lines, that it’d be okay. Is it okay? Otherwise i’ll just join some lines together. i.e. it is 30 lines or so because of the way i layed it out. To make it more reader friendly. Otherwise there'd be like 22 lines. Which could be then merged into 20.