Thread: White Rappers
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Old 05-31-03, 05:43 PM   #29
Ya Mama's Favorite
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Posts: 742
From: The east-side of Da D (Detroit)

Originally posted by MuhThugga

You are an ignorant fool. So I suppose that, by the guidelines set in your speech, that the only way a white man can ever be described as good is if a black person taught him how to rap? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Just because a black person has no affiliation with the music does not deem it is wack. Why don't you wake up and realize that black people are not the only ones affiliated with Hip-Hop and it's not just a "black thing." It is not just strictly for the ghetto. So I suppose that this board has absolutely nothing to do with Hip-Hop because it is not in the ghetto, it's on the internet. And you participating in this site's "fake and wannabe Hip-Hop" actions must than make you fake and a wannabe. Why don't you realize that Eminem isn't great. Race doesn't define skill. Location doesn't define skill. I just saw Gentle Jones perform and that was one of the sickest performances I have seen. He grew up in Delaware. But I guess that must mean he sucks since 95% of the American population don't know where Delaware is, by your standards.

You, are a narrow-minded, ignorant moron.

Look I'm not gona go back and forth with ya'll and this shit. Being that im the minority because like I said before somewhere in another thread about 75% of the rappers on this board are white anyhow so of course Imma be out numbered. But ya'll trynna sit up here and act like you don't know where this shit came from. You gotta respect the history of shit if you wanna advance it. You trynna exculde the fact that it ain't black thing and blacks made this shit! That what I'm trying to say. Ya'll keep puttin shit under the rug thats real. WHat happens is mu'fuckas start shutting people out thats the piller of the culture and then start to front like it's thier own. Go back and trace what happend to Rock and tell me I'm wrong, go back and trace Jazz and tell me I'm wrong. This ain't nothing but a rerun.

Bang On The Table Productions
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