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Old 06-04-03, 02:22 PM   #6
one wink
self's Avatar
Posts: 4,521
From: Climbing a mesa

"Question One:"
"Where In Society Can You Run?"

Contain my brain. Craniums imagination fly's like an origami Crain-
Insane? No, my thoughts just rain against the grain-
Can't stay within the lines, even my paint seeps outside the frame-
Second to none but our own ponderings. Now travel the "A" train-
The Bride develops third thoughts, two'sies past, but they were scary-
She questions, should she really get married?-
Whisper her one suggestion, 'Yes, the babies already being carried'-
Who gets wed on a Wednesday? Wendy and Ben, together 'till one gets buried-

"Question Two:"
"For Society What Can You Do?"

Incase a trace of a race in a case-
Incase they place second, not making that line of lace in the life race-
I can get dizzy in the middle of the street from spinning in circles-
Tending to get busy with a simple drum beat, hitting cow skin 'till purple-
I could hold the attention span of two people for three point six seconds-
Tighten the tension, "Do you feel lucky punk?" while holding the six shooter weapon-
Teaching that kid a lesson, "Go ahead, make my day" I dare him to test-
Don't press me, your face will be pressed into the front page on the newspaper press-

"Question Three:"
"Why Do You Think Your Taking A Pop Quiz On Society?"

You want me to conform to your control-
Your holding the controller connected to the playing console-
I must be going cordless, I'm not about to say you won and fold-
Like soldiers, always wanting me to follow your orders-
Well sir, I guess you better cough up another quarter-

Fuck Society And Fuck The Tests That Come Along In Life.
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