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Old 06-05-03, 11:05 AM   #3
metaphysical one
Posts: n/a

alright son . . .

This MC808 cat, shit I’ve never in my life seen someone so absurd and pathetic//
I’m not feelin’ you like a severed nerve, you’re a herb - you should just accept it //
so don’t even bother to post, gonna try to merk me but you won’t even rock my boat//
cause you’re about to get fucked worse than in prison when you dropped the soap//
I would analogize this shit to Pearl Harbor but you set it up so ain’t no surprises here//
Cause if we’re talkin’ about lyrics, like lonely mortuary workers I’m the only live one here//
I more Hawaiian than 808 cause every single PUNCH I throw IS sure to LAND, that’s why I left ‘em//
Unable to recover like AIDs patients, got ‘em hittin’ the canvas harder than Rembrandt’s erection//
When you battle me any mistake is like a homeless person’s rent, you can’t afford it//
So without doubt this cat is getting’ Lai’d out quicker than a porn flic played in fast forward//
808, don’t even spit back, just shut the fuck up and put a cork in it like Sammy Sosa’ bat//
want to show RB what you’re made of, but it’s unnecessary what with the way you were just broke in half//
gettin’ your fifth win against Metaphysical is like Ja’s funeral, it’s been ruled out//
I’ll give the same advice I gave your pops – muthafucker you should’ve pulled out//
Your dad should’ve have CUM-pleted, you – you just shouldn’t have competed//
You better start believin’ in God cause soon you’ll even speakin’ to Jesus//
So when I finish you should begin confessin’ your sins and start prayin’ to crosses//
After this you’ll be beggin’ for death, but don’t worry - you’ll still have twice as many wins as losses//
Only battle number 6 but why haven’t you quit yet, your spit brings satisfaction to no one//
Not even to yourself when you’re masturbatin’, I would berate you some more but I gotta go son//

. . . it's on you . . .