Thread: Special Night
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Old 06-08-03, 01:07 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Arrow Special Night


First off, i wrote this when i was thinking about my first date with my current girlfriend. We have been going out now for 10 months and are happier than ever. More of a story than a poem, but this is what came out.

The first warm night of the year, we have seen the Winter pass
We witnessed it together, wishing it would last
It passed us by, through the tears and fights, and left us hoping, for a new season of laughs
Eager to see what was ahead, we Faced it together, knowing That, was more fun then said
The middle of the 3rd month, we realized time had passed us by
We had been happy forever, but still no date in sight

It did not bother me, until she brought it to my attention
She asked if i was shy, or occupied, or if she needed to get my attention
It surprised me at first, how much she really cared
So i asked her out, and had reservations prepared
At 7:30, the following night, i was ready to 'sweep her off her feet'
Arrived at her house, and She, looked good enough to eat
The drive there, was no different
We laughed and joked, but her looks seemed distant
I asked what was on her mind
Without recieving an answer, or a bit of her time.

The dinner was no different, she sat and looked at me as if she was scared
Then i got worried, and demanded she tell me, right then and there
Without thinking twice, she told me how long she endured for this date to occur
I was relieved and set again peacefully, not another disruptance occured.

After the meal, and it was all said and done
I took her to the park, for hours of talking and fun
She told me the date was not what she expected
And a disappointed, i expected, but recieved a thankyou
She did not want a fancy meal, she wanted me to prove to her, that i could be, what she had dreamed...a friend.
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