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Old 06-10-03, 05:50 PM   #1
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Unwanted Emotions


Ave had a lot of shit in ma life that i darent talk bout
though now that if seen you again..shits burstin ta come out
Since we split ive been hung up on things that weve said
stuff jsut came out ma mouth fore a thought it over in ma head
rather than saying i loved you a told you that a hated you
a told you you were worthless...a player...a fool
but hen tonite i seen you fo the first time in years
i had to go behind a building to let out those so needed tears
a watched you laugh and joke and then began to walk home
passed the spot we used to stop at, where you would hold me when a turned cold
and a just stood there, a couldnt move anymore
a kept visioning you standing up on those stairs, or waitin for me at ma door
we were an item for some time, and yeah we had our ups ad downs
but in the end whatever happend our love came on the rebound
A miss you, you have no idea how much its true
infact ive never ever met a person that measures up to you
you have your bad points, but shit a have them too
i thought id lost ma feling for you bu when a seen you they came back....out of the blue
its like a twinge in your chest, a smile creeps up in your face
and you forget about the break up and that long unwanted space
of relapse...of trying to get over someone
and you wish that it was last year when the love had just begun
But it wont happen , its just a aint interesed in me
although i seen you lookin at me when you thought i couldnt see
so do you still care? do you still want me back
well am sorry baby but you aint gettin nothing shit bag (sorry a choked)
well thats it a suppose you were jus an item of splendour
and seeing you again yeah...a suppose it did make me wonder
but i realise that now im better off with you out
and im survingin on ma own now.independant woman no doubt
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