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Old 06-17-03, 04:19 AM   #3
Feeble Minded.
Posts: n/a

hey sorry about that...

i just saw why u closed my battle with comedian...
and ive read all the rules up to didnt realize there were more rules...i just read some a few days ago...why do yall post so many god damned rules? oh well...easy enuf to follow...if id know they WERE HERE...u should pu a 'effective (date)' thing up like the end pple would have a chance to read it...sry bout that shit in the battle wit comedian but i dont think not following the rules that were just posted makes me a "herb"...

and comments about the rules, hopefully you want them....

1. can post the rules...aite fine...
2. can post check in....aite...
3. verses....yea....
4. votes...sure why not...
5. only 5 ups...extremely gay rule....ur gonna have trouble getting this followed...i doubt u will but hey if u wanna try go right ahead, just dont like the end has different rules i think...25 ups..may want to talk to him about it if u didnt...(or maybe im wrong about 15 ups in his rules but im pretty sure thats what it said when i read them)