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Old 06-17-03, 07:41 PM   #8
Posts: n/a

late autumn.....hunting trip.......

deep in a national park......

leaving the cabin the three of us set out for bears
each hopin they could shoot a fur rug thru cross hairs
idle banter floated in the pine filled we set for higher ground
cracking branches under foot....and birds emitting sound
a tranquil morning rapidly passing with every bound....but still a long way to the hunting prime spot
on a path with an unplanned plot....the perfect ending with one laser guided shot
continuing on needle covered floors i almost forgot....i hadn't packed a sleeping bag! i had to return to base......what a drag
we agreed to meet up again at the 'Stag'.....the place we always camp at
parting ways to an unforeseen future that...would result in elemental combat
amongst trees i glanced up at sky and it spat!....i had been lulled by the morning sunshine now the weather had turned
clouds formed fronts above as my stomach churned....a strange sense possesed my body....a sign of a lesson to be learned
i picked up my pace the weather was a major concern....step by step my clothes became wetter until i wore water
the heavens lowered their stance tryin to confuse this walker....cold unrelenting powers capable of slaughter
in my stupidity i had left warm clothes as shivers flowed all over my soul
taking a firm grip on nerves turning heat to cold....sucking the energy from me i felt ready to fold
rain turned from sleet the sleet into snow....visibility so bad trees smacked into me without warning
thoughts turned to my friends left behind this morning....i just hoped they were safe and not fighting a storm stalking
stumbling into the flurry of flakes my eyes struggled with sight
looking at my arm it was blue against white.....daylight left my head and turned to night
i had to sit down or find shelter to rescue me from this plight....but futility overcame my will
the drop in temperature was like a drill....hitting my torso to the core exposed parts numb from the chill
nauseated from the exposure my mind flipped until....i slumped on the white carpet and passed out
when i came to my eyes were crusted to the lids now....hands were useless attachments frozen throughout
faint memories of boyhood....dam why didnt i got to scouts....a faint smile grimaced across my face
i was helpless shackled by the blizzards back pack stuck to sweat unmovable from its place
squirming i tried to move darting looks for the cabins grace....but blank sheets of snow blocked out my vision
i felt deaths wrath start to make its the tables had turned....i was now my own prison
consciousness faded back and forth with deaths permission....teasing me with its power
an hour became minutes and minutes bacame seconds as it commenced to devour
now i wish i had covered up idiocy my demise....i just wish life could hear my silent cries.......