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Old 06-17-03, 08:08 PM   #9
Kevin Brown
Posts: 1,182
From: Canada.

It’s the Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Cover Girl

Hidden tears with paint
Eyes drip with fear
Her skins color is faint
But you cant tell from near
Shes ahead of the game
Hides her real beauty
Then she sleeps in shame
And wants the world to see
Every day is the same
A new identity is born
She walks the walk of fame
But her talk is torn
Screams and cries
She can’t stand to be her
Living life as lies
Her heart wants to free her
The brain and the soul
Both cant agree
She wants to fall in a hole
And never be free
Allow her to change
Strip the costume all down
She cant stand to be strange
She cant hide her frown
Unhealthy living cant hide
She exposes the her real look
Shes learning to survive
Judged the title of the book
But now I can see
The eyes of this pup
Her soul has been set free
No need to cover up
-Word for Word-