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Old 06-19-03, 08:17 PM   #25
Posts: 2,827



Ripping this mime, for commiting the crime of spitting a rhyme
Because if your the man of the Hour . . im just Killing the Time.
(Decent Opener, 6/10)

spilling your lines. . this fake beating me?!. . Are you for real?!
cause this kids Fucking Bananas and still has zero Sex A - Peel
(Cool Wordplay, 7.5/10)

so now how's it feel to get shitted on with no round of applause?
id Introduce ya 2 George Lucas and u still wont have Met A Force!
(Good punch. . George Lucas = Star Wars director, correct? 8/10)

that text of yours is pathetic, . . how much filler'd you pack in?
fuck Over Reacting. . Brick's straight Bitch and Ovary Acting!
(Your worst line, still decent. . 5/10)

i'll reload then cap him, expose this faggot for tryna flow with me
and leave him Seeing more I.V's than kids studying Roman Numeracy!
(Good finisher, gave Ali a chuckle. . 8/10)

TOTAL: 34.5/50

Lil Brick 005

Faggot your verse was way worse than kids battling with end fillers, this “Gay Faucker” went to “Meet the Parents” of his boyfriend as soon as he saw the movie with “Ben Stiller”
(Kind of an old metaphor, effective, I suppose. . 5/10)

Your verse was struggling like “starving kids” trying to stay alive, I would “feed” off your verse but instead I will make it my “job” to turn your record into another “9 to 5”(9-5)
(Cool concept, flow wasn't too good. . 6/10)

People the Phuture is about to be forgotten like non important people in the past, the RB sponsor hooked me up with free Prime kicks so I don’t dirty my feet when shove my foot up your ass
(Hurt you badly. . Bad flow, bad concept. . 4/10)

After Vortex is banned from this site him and his hand are gonna “engage” in a method called jacking, you are like soon to be “married couples” that are moving together, so you better start packing
(Another lackluster line. . 4/10)

I feel sorry for embarrassing you in front of all these people, but you challenged me to a battle, so im gonna send you “Back to the Phuture” like the Rap Battles version of the “Michael J. Fox” sequel
(Personal was OK. . Flow, again, bad. . 6/10)

P.S- i will call you "Jesus" before you die, except that wasn't your "Last Supper" that was your "Last Reply"......!!!!!!!!!!
(I guess it was supposed to be a finisher. . Better flow, you could've made this killer, though. . 7/10)

Since Brick had six bars, I'll be generous and drop his lowest score, but he still comes up short (and he would even if we kept it). .

Total: 28/50

Clean battle. . Vortex's structure basically won it for him. Brick, work on the flow, and you would've had a fair chance.. Unfortunately, it'll have to be on another site.

WINNER: Vortex
Authentik Intelligence
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