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Old 06-19-03, 10:24 PM   #2
AxL is God
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Title: Duke Nukem Again

My mic sucks so it records low. . here are the lyrics.

Quo is up in this, and lays wake to defendants
I'll beat ya to a pulp and put Florida out of business
Evidents to the lighter, cuz we realize Quo's always righter
Only girl ya ever played was Chun Li from Street Fighter
Raised higher, Choke on the sick, the highest pick, and my dick
Quo'll slap ya so hard it makes ya teeth play the chopsticks
I'm sorry, but I just had to kill dude
Cuz I played my shit back and started to get afraid too.
Watch me destroy this dude
Nuke is claimng Victory, too bad he's a gay prostitute
Destroy this dude I don't need a reason
Nuke looks like a million bucks. . at the start of hunting season
Now just bow and take the L
Cuz this loss has him kicking himself like he tore his ACL