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Old 06-20-03, 04:39 PM   #40
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

I'm the mystical creature peering into your intellect/
Roasting MC's with the demonic fire I spit/
Contaminating your brain through the sounds I infect/
The osirus of your underworld in a firery pit/
The father of the living Horus commanding respect/
The keeper of Anubis and his evil army's mischief/
Dialating pupils with my ancient eternal bliss/
Violating puto's with my ferocious-n-deadly fist/
Extract ya mind through ya nose with a turn of my wrist/
I'm like a snake giving warnings...step back when I hiss, be careful who ya diss/
Excavating our tombz and craking open our lids/
Praising Amen-ra by bulding him Pyramids/
Known as the house of eternity...built by his majesty/
Way back in the first to third dynasty...with such complexity/
You know who I be, the Pharaoh of this ryhme-ology/
Just read the inscription above my tomb/
"What's inside will surely bring your doom"/
If you ever double cross me, you better submit an appology/

I be that true fUCKEN G, from the town of BG, better known as the bouncediggity//