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Old 06-22-03, 03:27 AM   #131
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whoa whoa whoa.. waz rilly good wit niggaz talkin bout my crew and shit....

first of all da way dat M&m was started dont really matter

cus at first M&m was wack until we all ivolved into audio
and djx can tell ya how me and shs do on a mic( dats my homie)
and DJX was M&m until i kicked him out cus i wasnt feelin his audio ( my bad for dat lol just ur steez was diff)

but da diffrence between da old crew and da new crew is dat we nicer... and we got a few text heads here and there dat do there thing
BUT DA REAL M&M witch is jus me exit 9 shs and dilly OFFLINE( when he shows up) will eat mad niggaz on dis site.... if we even wanna battle( witch we dont) aint really no beef between anyone in here and ya can say what ya want but on da real when it comes to pickin up a mic there only a few dat can stand wit us