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Old 06-22-03, 08:24 AM   #20
Bart Burnt
Registered User
Posts: 7
From: CLD

i know i have no place votin in here even though had hundreds of posts on this site before i got a new name but let me drop my 2 cents...

Clockwork: you had madd nice flow, good quality, rode the beat weel and came with a nice prodcution. but the punches werent there...or atleast not to the half of nim...

Nimrod: Flow was on point, dope punches, production was nice, dope auido overall.

And now to the voters....this caught my attention...everyones votin on flow....if an overall production and audio was based on flow then my boy chincheck would rape this tournament....but there's a reason punches make it an actual battle...and nims punches were waaaaay harder..and overall he came vote nim but it wouldnt count even thouh i have better voting competence than half the people who have the right to vote...

nice battle though, stay up