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Old 06-25-03, 11:12 PM   #1
Johnny 6-feet
Posts: n/a
winds of change verse (keystyled)


the moon, moves the waves, moves the winds of change/
as i sit and comtemplate how lifes been so strange/
watching tv screens, images flicker and grow bigger/
on a news item about some men who blow triggers/
revolutionaries, scary, waving a flag/
gun powder left the whole street fading to black/
camera zooms-in on an old lady saving a rag/
a piece of clothing from a relative, raving and mad/
the world changes in sudden leaps, we mostly sit idle/
taking it easy, believe me, if you knew what i do/
when i kick knowledge, you'd take notes and boast/
how you were in college when the prophet 6 spoke/
no sick jokes, in truth is beauty, beauty in truth/
genius is inside me, lady blew me for proof/
so keep your eyes and ears peeled, when its revealed/
when the winds change direction, make sure you respect them/

its a verse for an existing audio, thats gonna be recorded and added to it. feedback?
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