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Old 06-30-03, 12:07 PM   #3
Dadi Kewl
-Merk Squad-
Posts: 1,755
From: England

thoughts of my own taking over my body
like a blanket they are consuming me
forcing me to sweat and everyone thought begins to get contagious
influencing the next
i honestly cant explain this natural phenomenom
to some of you
a few will understand directly where im coming from, literally
its like karma from the third eye looking behind you
your vision becomes totally clear
and you lose all real grips of reality
and the world you can longer hear
most of you will read this and fear me for speaking of this
but us elite few can form an unspoken bond between us
if your not feeling this
than your not getting near your full potential, your not even close
this place im speaking of is full of undescriptive details that go unseen and go forever forgotten
i really hope i can get through to just a few of you
cause this place is deep down inside in all of us
it took me 20 years just to begin to realize this
im not talking about rapping, im talking about an extended reality among us
where you can categorize and question everything around us
be able to develop your own thoughts about whats going on around us
the great thinkers have been dead for a very long while now
but i feel you are really reading a passage by one of the next great ones, present among us
im not being deluisional
and i have no thoughts of becoming wealthy or famous
fame lays with in your heart
and when your real people can really sense that
some of you will take this the wrong way
and say "man can you believe this?", this dudes crazy
but for real, just think about what im trying to reveal to you
i just realized that we need to reach a point where we grow up and never llok back; i know its a cliche but im trying to take you deeper into that
ive reached my point and i have acepted that
we talk about change and what we cant stand to deal with
but unlike the great men that have died before us
to many of us are afraid to go explore and stand up for what we believe in
i wsh i could take all of you to this place
and leave you
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