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Old 07-02-03, 02:17 AM   #9
AxL is God
Posts: n/a

IllestKilla- Ok. What the fuck was that ? Seriously. . what the fuck was that ? I saw no punches. Just WHACK disses. Ok. Lets be a big boy and use things that aren't written on the Junior Highschool bathroom walls. Your structure was whack. but it seemed to be the best thing about yur whole verse. Seriously man. Elevate or hang yourself with your own keyboard. Cuz. . DAMN you suck.

ITouchMyself- Ok. . . guess what. . you're whack. But you did do a lot better then that other guy. Disses were whack, but more complex. Concepts had slight potential. Flow was better and broadened. Uhh. . but it was still whack. Don't get a big head from this. Because beating IllestKilla is like beating up Helen Keller alright ? It's not a sport. . it's a hobby.

Vote- ITouchMyself

Oh and Instagator. You're the biggest dick-rider ever. If Illest's dick ever disslodges from your anal cavity then maybe. . you can vote in something correctly. But if you think he won. Seriously you are either him, his boyfriend, or as whack as he is. Point blank son. You're a dick-riding tramp.