Thread: Collab Ish
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Old 07-03-03, 02:16 AM   #1
Bart Burnt
Registered User
Posts: 7
From: CLD
Collab Ish


This life is a warzone I journey through every passage
political massive government speak for the masses
with rancid language these punks are made outa plastic
dolls so drastic robotic newscasters play the fascists
now how we as humans are capable of so much corruption
life consumption leaked for every word in its own destruction
a fake function the president plays with a u.s seduction
a lunch bin full of poor folk trapped but strapped for combustion
we wont take it we wont let this madness happen
attackin def to this country cut my ears for rappin
strapped in for evil the rich are left anctuously naggin
our lifes are a bad movie only with the closed caption
iraq gets a new government but with no city to start with
were heartless carvin souls out the administrations carnage
cartilage blown on the screen how are we the new harness
scarless america we love you but we cant keep our promise
a democracy of post modern fools chose to plan our blueprint
translucent ideas gets passed fast to the unholy cupids
shooting arrows of propaganda to the everyday clueless
treated as nuecuence we the population are painted as ruthless
television for the violenty animated souls with no ambition
missions for the new cliche. the public hears.. the industrys never listen
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