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Old 07-06-03, 03:50 AM   #1
Registered User
Posts: 48
From: New York City
thru my wire..check it...real new


thru my wires

thru my wires, my whole life is explained/
from when i feel happi, to when i feel drained/
thru my wire, my whole life is let out, n reaveled/
information come out that for ages has been concealed/
but inside a me, i still have my own dark rooms/
cant ever take a break, try n put life on pause, but it always seems to resume/
had twoparents, father from the country, and moms from the city/
both bore one kid who as dark as p.diddy/
2 parents, from dominican republic, middle of the carribean/
still remember in 96, hurricane george sent everything into olbivion/
grew up in the pj's, been here for 14, been here since he was one/
but before him, moms had another cat n bore one son/
became his olda brotha, jose, now he 21 years old/
who had his taste of racism, but no matta wut he stood bold/
but this kid ralfy, was real energetic, like the energizer bunny/
times was hard, cuz the fam aint have to much money/
he jumped, ran, n liked to go on explorations/
2 cuzins tommy, n kevin, his closets relations/
he grew up good, went to public school, n now in catholic/
been called many names, like blacky even tho he was his-panic/
adversity comes his way, every so often/
sometimes he feel like hidden away, or dien in a coffin/
many people crossed my path, from dealers, to assholes, to beauty's n bitches/
was in the hospital for 3 dayz, cuz doctors feared my nitely twitches/
thought i was sick minded n suffered from siezures/
does all this shyt, but onli when he time is liezure/
from playin ball, to chillen, to speakin his mind/
sorta like this song, tryna put his life in line/

see, i always dreamed a bein a star/
always knew it was in my reach, never 2 far/
at times, i wanted to be a track star, or another bill gates/
who have so much money, he would have gold plated plates/
but now i like basketball better, wanna be like tracy mcgrady/
been workin hard at the game, but it has yet to pay me/
it comin thru now, but i also wouldnt mind being, the next jay-z/
the nigga that'll have ur head poppin, n have the ladies screamin like crazy/
dominican down to my viens, that neva changed/
my whole life in a nutshell i just explained/
from tiffany, geraldine, shani, all my x gurlz/
but then there was ashley, my first luv in this world/
got many emotional scars cuz of gurlz but its all good/
still keep on striven in my fucked up hood
but then i got my #1. people, from jen to james/
4 years deep nigga! n cot-fuckin-damn u still aint change/
from the drama with ic, to shani n em/
notice how we bounce from crew to crew thats full of feminine/
lol, its been real funny, all i can do now is laugh/
have made many choices, thnk God, i've chosen the right path/
got nothin more to say, just hope, God gonna grant me many many more years/
that i aint stuck in a office, with a boring as career/
said a lot, thru these wires holdin each one of my teeth/
my fingers also spoke for me, the truths been unleashed/


the signifigance of the wire that i have braces lol
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