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Old 07-09-03, 09:40 AM   #6
Maven's Avatar
Posts: 2,119

Without My Glasses
the sun was bright that morning, the grass was green below
ultraviolent rays glanced off the pond;the ducks swam real slow
firm bench under me gave me confidence, it wouldn't give way
in this great green park of happiness, nothing could ruin today

in the park the glorious morning,I was giving the ducks some bread
finding I'd used what was in my hand, I leanded to get some instead
from my bag down below the bench, where grass and flower grows
something unexpected glasses slipped off my nose...

At first everything seemed normal, 'til I noticed the dryed soil
and where the duck pond used to be, sick mutations swam in oil
the beautiful sun had disappeared, the sky was blackest night
but vision was no problem...All the fire gave flickering light

the air encompassing me was a stale, polluted smogginess
though transparent, it covered the evil place with fogginess
burning rubber was it's aroma; my lungs seemed filled with tar
replacing trees and flowers were charred stumps and flaming cars

through crackling flame I heard all the tortured screams of anguish
I searched for magic lamps so I could wish for the pains to vanish
my stomach turned and my mind swerved onto the wrong side of the road
no matter what happened now, those screams would violate my lobes

the moment passed and looked down just to see my glasses there
on grizzly soil those constants were; I laid my senses bare
I lunged for them with all the strength of 10 grinches plus 2
perhaps childishness could unmake what insanity would surly do

I replaced my glasses on my face, and nothing was as it seemed
returned to the park of happiness,that magnificent world of dreams
knowing that mirror existence was future, our world was out of luck
Sadly, the only difference I can make is feeding another duck...

-I never considered what I saw that day a hallucination,
they say people don't remember those anyways...
I didn't tell anyone either, who would believe me?
Surly not you, and definatly not anyone who could prevent it
But I returned to that park every day until I died,
and I sure as hell never lost my glasses again.-
Life isn't a bitch...
she's just sick of being personified -Sage Francis
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