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Old 07-10-03, 07:15 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

Im a "Dope Verse Prostitute" the way niggaz line up to pay for my shit/
No concern bout ma vocab but cause just like an "Action Movie Handgun" im runnin wit an "Unlimited" clip/
My lyrical skills leavin me in a world of good livin whilst your obviously still "Mentally Health Stricken"/
Shit its bout time i change my name to "Undertaker" seein as im "Buryin" cats for a living/ (Undertaker buries people, my skill does on this site)
Like "murderin" with a handgun im not Hittin as Hard As I Can/
Thats why i plan to end your textcee career by gettin a shotgun n' Blowin Off Ya Hands/
Im the Microsoft X Box, The newest n' hottest Shit Around/
Your just the Nintendo 64, cause when compared to me you just get "Clowned"/


Like a cheap cologne I "Burn Ya" n "Sting Ya" upon Contact/
Speakin of contact your "lense" must be too blurred for u to look at my drops n claim "I Can Outplay That"/


Carelessly I Rep Hong Kong, on this site its a move seen as Bold/
Whilst on this site your the reason for not f*ckin old people, CAUSE YA SHITS TOO OLD!!/


Aight peace out all, lets get sum votes in ere