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Old 07-12-03, 12:56 AM   #8
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,428
From: Aussie Hip Hop

okay herbert no beef lets go..
OKay ima be honest when i say i found tha hard to "read"
Ima call the "wackness" investigation unit because i just found a major "lead",
What you talkin bout Thug white ask me to join youre "crew",
Dumbass get a "clue" thats why i will always remain better than "you",
you couldnt rise up even if i blowed you up with "helium",
He refuses to be elivated, burnt to a rare "medium",
Reluctant to tell me about the battle hopin' i'd no "show",
Fuckin with treach is a big mistake if youre a herb and have no-"flow",

The final blow,
Burnin herbs like this doesnt make me get high,Se its poor quality,
But i guess he can still be a rapper regardless of his homesexuality,

sorry bout that NOO BEEF i just finished 3 battles on other sites and a open mic peice so i wasnt at my best plus i have not battle for a while

Soft focus

Whats the point of living?

The voices in my head Feat. Rule

Unlikely Alias

More Comming soon!