Thread: Nimrod Diss
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Old 07-15-03, 06:49 AM   #23
Lowd Mowf
Posts: n/a

Everywhere I go, I see senseless beef. I mean, it's fun and all, but unless I was actually pissed off, I don't see the point in it. But, music is music, and each piece has a different take, so fuck it.

Beat - Don't recognize it, so I'm guessing it's a custom.
Flow - Pretty good, riding the beat well.
Lyrics - Clever shit here and there, basically just that "fuck you" vibe. "I've seen girls nipples harder then you," made me chuckle.

Overall - Basically, a commerical feel to the diss. Flow and delivery were on point, and emotion got better as the track went along. Lyrics hit here and there, but more then anything, just kept steady feeling of hate against Nimrod.

Sidenote: What does you not battling have to do with you spitting a diss track?

I just thought of that, but no biggie, simple slip.
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