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Old 07-17-03, 02:45 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

Sorry I wuz so late...long

I'm 1 of the sickest, my CEREBRAL-IS-TOXIC/
I'm fly when I'm not trying like {EAGLES-IN-COCKPITS}/
Cel u ignorant u know that u NEVER-SHOULD-PUSH-ME/
I'll have u "down on ur luck" like eating {LEPRACHAUN-PUSSY}/
I doubt u'll land a punch.....throw a FEW-IF-U-DARE/
Cuz u only "out-standin" when {LOOSIN-MUSICAL-CHAIRS}/
Buggz "been SICK" u "just STARTED" LOSIN-YA-HEALTH/
Cuz when I aim, I "HIT more HEARTS" {THAN-CUPID-HIMSELF}/
Lips, u could GET-FOUND in ya HOOD, SLAIN-N-CUT-UP/
Wit more "holes in 1" than Tiger {WOODS-PLAYIN-PUTT-PUTT}/
These cats can't c me, they just SCARED-AND-TIMID/
Like "Orphans at Christmas time," they {BARELY-GIFTED}/
"Sleepin on me" is crazy...u {SNORIN-IT-SEEMS}/
U must have a "death wish", like a {CORONER'S-DREAM}/
CL Smooth y u gassed? Keep that SILHOUETTE-HARNESSED ~
I'm "sleeping on these herbs", like a {PILLOW-WIT-GARNISH}/