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Old 07-18-03, 03:44 PM   #1
Posts: 181
A Man's Wordz and Thoughtz...


this is a poem i'm writin for an opp for the speech team that i'm joinin next year. its one of those poems that dont rhyme so yea...

they say that a man's wordz and thoughtz are the same but i beg to differ. a mans wordz and thoughtz are two completely different things...yet they are two completely different things that are forever innertwined with one another. now a man's wordz are nothin more than a verbal image that is given off for others to depict them as. they range between the extremes from important seeming to pointless sounds spoken from the mouth. now, as for a mans thoughtz...that is a man at his truest, rawest, most pure form. a man can hide behind his wordz but he is completely exposed when it comes to his thoughts. a man's wordz are nothin more than a conjunction of letters that are put together to make sounds. but a mans thoughts are are his silent feelings, soundless emotions...they are the depths of his soul.......

its not quite finished but what do you think of it so far?
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