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Old 07-26-03, 02:18 AM   #1
Banned AKA Dante
BiZzUrK's Avatar
Posts: 728
First time Freestyle) Poem


I looked into her eyes and I saw her mind's eye
staring back into mines
she looked like she had something to kept hidden
but there was nothing to find
she insisted my interest was non exclusive
as well as the moonlight
all was faded
no facts were stated
we just whispered empty promises into the wind
whisked away like worries in times of a greater anticipation such as the time and hand
we made plans never to be kept
mutual respect set at the bare minumum
our love was a pendulum
swaying steadily although forced
blown off course of course
couldn't navigate
no use for directions we didnt know where we were going
and now wer'e there
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