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Old 07-28-03, 05:16 PM   #4
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,617

It was creative, the introduction definitely had me reading more,
"Yo listen my mother used to say "i doubted that you would live"...
Cuz she didnt have to push, I walked out of the uterus...
Vitamins sizes are to big so my vitals are obscene...
You think it's coincidence that all my idols are obese?..."

That was an excellent intro, unfortunately, the piece was hurt by some bad lines.

"Gravity? in basketball I WISH I could land like another....
because whenever I jump I always land like a feather ....
damn i look in a mirror my two nipples touch each other..."
"I have a passion to one day stab some phatty asses...
and when I do I'm gonna lube my shaft with fatty acids..."

Those lines and one or two others really brought the piece down, they just seemed to lack the amount of creativity brought forth from the introduction and made it seem as though you took a turn towards making fun of skinny people, rather than addressing the problem.

Not a bad piece, but the introduction made it sound like it would have been a little more serious than what it turned out to be. Keep the introduction, but work on rewriting the rest.
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