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Old 07-30-03, 04:48 AM   #1
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town
Only Death Makes Us Think


More people dieing in the war
All these casualites, the government will ignore
Young faces, new ideas, bright outlook
A single shot, their life is took
Don't know why their in this fight
Killin people unknown at first sight

Shipped away from their loved ones
Exchanged for grenades and guns
To serve the country, wage war against anothers
Gaining great pride, the respect of others
Gettin the job done, the war is easily won
No one, can defeat, they might as well run
Victory is to come within the hour
Your All mighty, full of power
Unstoppable, Unbeatable
So powerful, un-fuckin-believable

More people dieing in the war
All these casualites, the government will ignore
Young faces, new ideas, bright outlook
A single shot, their life is took
Don't know why their in this fight
Killin people unknown at first sight

May not be seen alive again
The world they enter, not pretend
Real guns blazing, men dieing
Back in the country, lying in a coffin, loved ones crying
You hit the target, easily done with all the training
Told to take everything the body is containing
Get to the body, still alive, blood draining
Clinging to life, hardly able to breath
Lookin into his eyes, a vision you recieve
Him playin with his kids, kissin his wife
Feel a hate for this strife*, want to save this mans life
Tellin him you made an error
You can tell he startin to slip from his glare
All you can say is, my brother take care

More people dieing in the war
All these casualites, the government will ignore
Young faces, new ideas, bright outlook
A single shot, their life is took
Don't know why their in this fight
Killin people unknown at first sight
Different personalities, All different nationalities
All functioning the same, no need for fatalities

*strife: Violent struggle
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