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Old 07-31-03, 12:14 AM   #2
Grandia's Avatar
Posts: 23
From: Va.

scars emerge on young skin
as parents do it over and over again
what does it be? the crack pipe or a bottle of gin
to make u commit just a terriible dis-graceful sin
to beat on one of GODs angels, he has send

i agreed on most terms of discipline
as if a child do wrong, its ok some times to put your foot
in their ass
but dont take it too far, until the effects look like your child
smashed into a crash

a belt is cool
but why you gotta pick up a stick or fist or even a kitchen
handy tool
and bend the rules of child-discipline-abuse
reports from school, pink slips back bruise
and when they question it, you say thats ole news

next time you raise your hands, look them in the eye
amd think about, "is this the kinda image i wanna leave my
child when i die"
and your see, the truth will be in yor rely
