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Old 08-03-03, 02:32 AM   #2
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,428
From: Aussie Hip Hop

k kid since your only a newb ill go easy on ya ......peace

You must be "Sarcastic" to say you gone win,
Half "spastic" its like askin whos stronger metal or plastic,
Be careful! If you ask to sponser herb you might end up Herbert here,
It might Turn you off heres past fixable, as well as a queer,
You better tell your prewriters to prepare for a typhoon,
Its hard to tell whose lyrics have a stronger message,yours or a cartoon,
Hes past the point of elivation,Hes best to start the path of self annilation,

So ladies and gentlemen, sponser a herb,Or he might end up this way,
So do it now 1900 save-a-herb-today, Help save his life today!
Soft focus

Whats the point of living?

The voices in my head Feat. Rule

Unlikely Alias

More Comming soon!