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Old 08-03-03, 06:36 AM   #6
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,428
From: Aussie Hip Hop

Imao i must admit i expected more when i looked up your forgot about the battle...Oh and havent you ever heard of a collab or was that peice past your mental capecity...Fucken Dumbass
I odnt know what fucken writing that is beneath your sig and you payin me out for bein an aussie....
Sponser a herb presents: For only one lesson a week U can help a herb like this refrain from being a bitch ass, cock sucking biting theiving as further more wack emcee, all help would be great.
I aint racist but this bitch started it....
The Burning begins..............
U see this cat functions like a ship with a broken mast...
Uve spoken, Remember the 8 mile generations in the past...
See hear in australia hear we hate a fucken asylum seeker..
Demolished his verse, i kept tryin to find which lines were weaker..
U posses no style, Your whole lifes a folder of self denial...
Best to get your fucken mexican G-string trimmed..(yall know what a mexican becini trim is imao)
I guess all those years of fucking donkeys have your brain dimmed..
So honoured to battle me dogg get of my fucken dick..
You aint gunna make this loss any easier for yourself make me sick..
I spit pure fire, what this cat spits is truly wack...
U see u cant make up in wins for the sklls u lack...
Soft focus

Whats the point of living?

The voices in my head Feat. Rule

Unlikely Alias

More Comming soon!