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Old 08-03-03, 03:51 PM   #7
The sYcKlE Makes Me Do It
MiCsYcKlE's Avatar
Posts: 1,169
From: N/A

ABle cooks up flows and rhymes nonexquisite~
while your garbage food for thought that you spit with, is making my mind malnutrient~

better go find some assistance, cause single-minded your not a challenge~
watch me level this cat so that he's no longer chemically imbalanced~

even if your words were louder than actions, then all I would hear is silence~
your lyrics couldn't cause an uproar at Nazi convention screaming "Stop the violence"~

the second you drop your eye lids, is the second my punch lines and your face will meet~
my lyrics even leave the readers bruised and fatigued....
so peep his rhyme if you want some comedy relief~

trynna battle me , you must be Crazie or lunatic~
damn, you could be a large intestine and still wouldn't be moving shit~

but enough joking around, I don't have time for your foolishness~
testing me now u learning the lesson, I got you wondering "what school is this?"~