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Old 08-03-03, 10:33 PM   #8
13th Disciple
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Posts: 2,650

cshep79: one last thing........are u hopin that ull get established after this battle?
MoRBidTHEILL: yes, i'll keep beggin the end if i have too
MoRBidTHEILL: i know i'm a homo but that shouldn't matter
MoRBidTHEILL: but wid my luck
MoRBidTHEILL: it will never happen

now that we got that established....lets dance..........

bitchin to be established....ur crew just got adopted and fostered
alone, this leader needs more practice then unemployed doctors
ur a midget...a dwarf...not even on my level man but yet still.......
this faggot couldn't spit sick even as being MoRbidTHEILL!.........
each of my lines fertilizes this herb...leavin him served in doses..
this cat couldn't go out wit a BANG!.......if he was datin explosives!
u must work in a hospital......cuz the way u portrayin a scrub......
even ur battle scene is a Jehovah Witnessing Thug...
a master in how i murda this rook, left em in check..
i know u can't come off the top cuz of chemotherapy side effects..
i'll even scientifically win.......just to prove the Matter of Facts......
like toddlers wit shoulder tattoos....ur only a minor drawback!!....
....i easily got this battle wrapped up like sex thats safe bro.....
still i'll grab u and ur desktop and throw u out '98' Windows!.....
i'm known to leave cats battered more than fried chinese recipes..
while ur punches are nuthin in mind, like retards thinkin, aka THOG
peeped ur old battles......i suggest never go on audio rappin.....
i woulda dropped sooner....but can't type when too busy laughin!.
i'ma punch u so hard in the chest until ur nipples eject dawg.....
call me an atheist.....cuz i don't really believe in TheHandsOfGod...

Blessed wit Skillz