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Old 08-04-03, 10:55 AM   #12
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Hit'em up was garbage, Pac with his ignorant ass, Mr. prophet/revolutionist/inspirator dissed Prodigy, who has sickle Cell Anemia. everybody knows that only black people suffer from it, (and I mean suffer & Die). How could you get on a track and say some bullshit like that.

Who shot'cha wasn't even a diss track, Big recorded that before Pac got shot, and they released it at the *wrong* time.

I believe the best diss of all time, and y'all probably haven't been listenin' to hip hop that long not to remember is when LL Cool J MURDERED CANIBUS, horribly
The highlight?
Cornybus=99% of your fans wear high heels
LL=99% of your fans don't exist

:0 oooooooooo, that hurt

Then comes ether, cause Nas handed that boy his ass. It's a great thing when someone plays you weak, start some shit with you, the YOU shut them down.Super ugly was some thrown together bullshit, that a lot of people never heard.
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