Thread: Burnt Bridges
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Old 08-04-03, 06:06 PM   #1
Kevin Brown
Posts: 1,182
From: Canada.
Burnt Bridges


Burnt Bridges
-Baron Mynd-Clockword Orange-Phrantik-Axl

I burnt the bridges, golden hopes revoked my old devotion
now prone and hopeless, out of focus w/ my own emotions.
shown notions of better life, the wedded wife, a wealthy man
so now im allowing fate to Lend a Hand to my Self Demands.
my Selfish Plans too Travel Far and Wide, Re-Start my Life
and decorate each Darkened Night w/ a stars Sparkling Light.
Dark Inside as i write down the Worst of my Worries in song,
& feel its time i began the Rest of my Journey - and moved on.
The Moods Wrong, i start jotting down lines in a rhyme book
ideas Spring from the Spaces, Filling the Pages w/ my thoughts.
Ive taught the Baffled Swarms to look in Apples Core, find love
but i Resent the Gimmicks i was Sent to Mimic and rise above.
Fly doves for symbols of peace, im the symbol of all thats lost,
so i'll burn my Bridges to make sure im never Double Crossed. .

My bridge's reduced to ash's,all that remain's are backflash's
Now the only way is forward,Heading the way the wind lash's
An eternal struggle, my journey for my promised land begun..
I cannot run, but only take my awaited problems as they come
Once a wealthy man, i had left all reality behind in the past..
A life bulit on cash, & now its a question, of how long will i last
I've disturbed the god's,.. a storm gather's up in the cloud's
Dark & twisted, should evil prevail, releasing out hell's hound's
I feel no remorse, my thought's flood with regret & hatred..
A force to strong im left face to face with the devil's patriot
But perhap's now is my time, all my sin's must end here...
Sick of running from fear,my burnt bridge's must remain clear

and it ends with ashes- the way it was back then
dust to dust- make ashes by lightin the fuse again
obsessed with pyro- i need some mental help
cause burning bridges is the only way my pain is felt
flickering flames used to express tortured beliefs
and the bellowing smoke escapes my life long grief
a hobby gone mad- the fire encompassed my heart
and now the burning inside is ripping my chest apart
i've burnt bridges to leave all my emotions stranded
and i burnt myself to leave all my memories branded.
a past i cant escape- a love for heat with deep lashes
and so it ends like the bible- dust to dust- ashes to ashes

...its not over yet...

I burn bridges, in fact I always love to start fires
I even met the word gullible and it called me a liar
I think I'm the best, I'm being humble, yes
A bless with my text until I corrupted the net
Used to get high enough to jump off the sun and dunk
Then low on verbal abuse until I always turned punch drunk
And knock out ya adam's apple with a punch or three
Just to prove that the apple never falls far from the tree
Repeat my words in flatter, my prose do matter
I put Nabisco out of business, cuz I'm the best ritzy cracker
Ah but again I boast my own talents and flaunt my skills
Then I'll put on my armour cuz aGG is always dressed to kill
aGG is ill, grab a word and lets go and start to rumble
And remember I'm being honest when I say "I'm Humble"
-Word for Word-
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