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Old 08-04-03, 09:00 PM   #4
Banned AKA Dante
BiZzUrK's Avatar
Posts: 728

Chances of winn'n this are "slimmer" than shady, kid you aint got no hope/
No ones fooled with ya av, we all know you get less women than the pope/
You the only cat in prison who dosent use soap on a rope,
Ya name should be Pillsbury Doughboy cuz you lov'n that "poke"/
but thats ok cuz you a woman, you just "earned ya right to vote"/
I aint afraid to hit girls like you in they throats, have you pull'n A "Macy Gray", cept I say goodbye and you choke/
Cuz I smoke herbs like you on my free time, I'm gonna beat ya ass so fast there'll be no time to rewind/
You undefeated we'll you tak'n a loss this time, cuz even if I was Tony Soprano I still wouldn't have "whack" rhymes/
cats like you are a dozen a dime, you nuthin without me, I'm da wind and you da chimes/
You must be a coke fiend cuz you crave my "lines", your shit's as wanted as a vocabulary builder to a mime/
I rhyme "prime" like rib, you can't win, you must of just gave me a blowjob cuz "you took this on the chin"/(DEFEAT)