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Old 08-04-03, 10:57 PM   #9
Yep. . .
phiXion's Avatar
Posts: 711

flow goes to b2k
punches go to amby
diss goes to amby
no multiz really..none worth quoting anyway
werdplay goes to both emcees
vocab goes to neither,

i think amby took this battle, it was a pretty good battle but i was feeling amby's lines a bit more, both emcees came hard, but i think amby took this battle,

nice lines:

I’m a doctor of the past, i’ll bleed your illness away, suffer my first loss… like dead-end streets, there’s no way//
I’m quick to have B2K, M.I.A., ‘cuz he’s spittin’ a verse that shows his lack of talons*… like crippled birds of prey//

Voters must be playin’ hopscotch… ‘cuz your verse they’ll skip, like greasy finger-tips, with a win, you won’t come to-grips//

+1 Ambiguous
..I WILL fuck you up..