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Old 08-06-03, 03:04 PM   #1
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dont go the same route that i am going


All my life ive looked upwards
never meant to stumble along the way always persuing dreams...moving forward
but sometimes ya have ta stop and ya have ta take in tha scenery
otherwise to an early grave ya be walking and get caugt up in hate eventually
the hate resides in the heart of youself and all others
but you dont try to show your emotions, keep it really, hide it all under covers
things have to come out somehow whether its now or on your death bed
but yo...its better saying it now before you do end up dead
thats where a am today i have shit all underwraps
and a kno if a expose shit the haters will attack
but these things have to be said i cant conceale it
so try to listen at my elaborate thoughts no matter how intricate it can get

so yo, a lived a nice life, nice hood, nice friends
but then ya kno somewhere along the line nice ends
its starts to fester starts to mould and grow little hairs
and in the end none of your feeling over power it or compare
so here a am walking down the path to excruciating death
kicking ma self up tha arse unable to prolong deaths sentace yet
am waitin for an appeal but it aint coming no time soon
so still a ponder onwards walking towards my enevitable doom
help me god forgive ma sins and help me knock on heavens door
start to contemple the big mans head, many time has he heard this prayer before
but more time couldnt do much damage could it
what i do in the past shouldnt determine me afterlife...should it
am gettin paranoid now a cant stop thinkin dislexic
ma brain feels starved of knowledge like it was anorexic
at a young age a switched off to tha world and became dormant inside
but now the tears that i cry are dry glass orbs which stick in my eyes
and prick my eyes and make me bleed and cry the tears of blood
the red rain trickles down ma face as a sit there and watch ma name being dragged thru tha mud
so thers nothing more for me to do ive tried to fight the publicity
a sit and wonder why the do it, try to look at the situation analytically
but its shunned by the brain as it cannot cope with the pressure no more
so i end up crushed both in heart and in mind, collapse on the floor
i wanted you to help me, wanted you to show me the way
but in te end you wont even be there with meon my dying day
so why did i other with you, dont ask me i dont knoto be truthful
what you done to me was hurtfull
but hey what can you do eh, faggots like you come a dime for a dozen
jsut so happens that you were worse what you think is right is wrong you think that hurting people works...but it doesnt
try to open your mind to what i have to say
otherwise by the end of your life..just like me youll be made to pay ....................
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