Thread: My first piece
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Old 08-06-03, 04:12 PM   #20
Deceit's Avatar
Posts: 601
From: God

I have to say, i agree, with you both and your war posts, i agree, i simply wanted to know if there was prejudice, i see there isn't, only a genuine hope for the greater good...And whether this is the way or not, at least people want peace to stay alaive, and you know, as long as America doesn't agree with totilatarianism, it's fine.
Oh, and bounce, i agree, in war, innocent people die it happens, and i also agree that America is the most advanced so they do target specifically, they are not killers, simply soldiers tryin' to follow orders...And hey, munitions? Sometimes people make mistakes, and i am not degrading the loss of lives to 'hey people make mistakes' but some things are uncontrollable...

B-sq. It's nice to know i got through to you, in some way we agreed, and can i make a request? Could you write a poem again, on the same topic, like bounce did with wage war and free at last, i would love to see the change considering all this discussion.

By the way, i'm aware i talk too fuckin' much and probly think too fuckin' much for a 15 year old!
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