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Old 08-06-03, 04:54 PM   #9
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

I can really grasp your stance and justification for the drop, but it's becuase of our interaction here on RB. Outside of that, I think your personel stance is hard for the reader to find, cuz the emotion is once again diluted. Now that is a good thing for many peice's, but for something like this, on this topic, it needs emotion. I am feeling the emotion through association with the author, but not everyone one here is going to know your feelings. Once again your style is so reminicent of my own back int he day's. Keep up the elevation and I stress incorperating raw emotion intoyour next peice, I am looking forward to see the differences. I am going to post another drop along the lines of our latest discusions. Give me a second I'll be back. Good drop and much respect...

One more thing, if your not familiar with russian writting, Fyodor Dostoevsky could be a bit abrasive at first, but give him a chance and his ideologies could be aplied in your creativeness at all levels.
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