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Old 08-08-03, 04:01 AM   #3
DaBanga's Avatar
Posts: 822

fuckin bitch i'll brake all ya bones with a swing of my ~sword~/
dont even read my post cause your poor ass cant ~afford~/
i've seen straighter men on the show "who wants to be a gay ~lord"~/
this kids doin 50 in a 110 lane and said the pedal is ~floored~/
fuckin blast a hole in ya head with a word on the mic ~cord~/

snap ya neck and really leave ya ~hangin~/
first thing you think is no more man ~bangin~/

bite your fuckin face off like hannibal the ~cannibal~/
im like an outta control bull thats non ~man-able~/

i think you got it wrong...this whole rap ~shit~/
the only time you run is when you here me drop my ~clip~/

spittin dont mean lettin jiz drip down ya chin to ya ~hand~/
this cat blows in his mom early when they just ~began~/

i get more pussy then jeremy or hugh ~hef~/(playboy owner)
you be askin ya dad who's hef even though you jerk to him you still act like you ~deaf~/

man killin you is easy like gettin in ya moms ~pants~/
bitch when people read ya lines they have they head on a ~slant~/

you must be illiterate for real, did you go to ~school?~/
50 year old man tryin to be black but lookin like a ~fool~/

this kid buys condoms to pleasure his ~hand~/
stupid fuck tryed to find his dick and ripped off his male ~glands~/(balls)

man you gettin hot just from readin my ~lines~/
runnin through ya head and settin off like ~mines~/

i'll spit real close so you can smell the ~cyadine~/
and your spittin so it smells like car scent: ~pine~/