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Old 08-08-03, 10:15 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

Ok man I hope you ready.............good luck....

Im gifted with this rap poetic brain leaving you flavourless and strained with no colour to ya game, tasteless and plain. 1

He shatter easy with the high pitched laughs that he gets when he slyly passed, to scared to face my wrath. 2

I leave him burried alive when my spits solidafy, hitting you low then high, trade marking ya eyes and as you choke you die. 3

Belive yourself inside, you knew you shouldnt a tried, to beat me a 2nd time, cuz last time I blacked ya eye and this time is no exception, cuz im a leave ya paraylized. 4

All these one liners shooting at feet with full harshness making you dance with no partners, you shittin ya pants, yo ass marked. 5

You call ya self d-mecca the mad man throat slitter but you really are a picture, your really no Vet hitter, you hitting younger than Gary Glitter. 6

I'll heard you feeling sour grapes with all this unessecery hate, and becuz you cant relate to other guys that are ya age, you putting all ya rage into scriptures on a page, but ya pasona is a stage cuz ya lyrics foggy like a haze. 7

Letters into words, words into sentances, sentances in paraghraphs cuz you need a little help with this, cuz when you spit at me its obvious your illitirate and you can really only see when close ya eyes and picture this. 8

I creamed ya this time just like the last we fought in rhyme, cuz brain soft like cake filling and you couldnt think of any lines, you gone off and attracting flies, I leave ya bitter like lemon marrange pies. 9

You would know to inpregnate ladies if had pictures that were draw, I hear ya lines an I yawn, and even I caught ya pullin words out a pussy you couldnt make word be born. 10

There you go sucker............