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Old 08-11-03, 01:59 AM   #1
Posts: 2,827
LLL (not) Illustrated: Week Seven (not) in Pictures



The LLL continues to run strong in its seventh week despite the departure of quite a few skilled members. We have thirty-six participants signed up for the league and we hope to foresee a text tournament in the near future (hint, hint. .).

the interVIEW.

This week, I interviewed a long-time member of RB: AxL is God. AxL was the LLL Middleweight champion until relenquishing that title this week in order to pursue an alternate text league.

RalphsBagels: I am here with AxL is God, the FIRST EVER two-time guest for interviews in the LLL. . I'm sure your proud
Kinetical Impact: I guess so.
RalphsBagels: Fill us in on your idea for a new text battle league on RB.
Kinetical Impact: Well. It will consist of two divisions, better competition, better voting, 8interleague tournies, etc.
RalphsBagels: And the two divisions will be based on what?
Kinetical Impact: Skill level. And that is it.
Kinetical Impact: Records mean nothing.
RalphsBagels: Who will decide the skill levels of potential participants?
Kinetical Impact: I will choose 6 people and with them we will vote in based on verses that are submitted by unknown members or the skill level that we have seen.
RalphsBagels: Sounds like a good idea. . Have you gotten any word on where the league will take place? Will you have your own forum?
Kinetical Impact: It has been discussed that this league will either get it's own forum if not then we will hold it within the confines of the Front Lines and Elitel Front Lines forums.
RalphsBagels: What about voting? It seems that most of the discrepancies between your "ideal" league and the LLL have come in the qualifications of voters. . What will be different in the RBBL?
Kinetical Impact: We will have new standards for voting.
RalphsBagels: Any ideas yet?
Kinetical Impact: It is all being worked out at the moment. But we will have a mandatory amount of quotes that you must present as examples for reasoning.
Kinetical Impact: And no quoting other people's votes as your own.
RalphsBagels: Will the RBBL be open to all members of RB, or will they have to submit a piece just to get in?
Kinetical Impact: All members.
Kinetical Impact: But if you want in the Heavyweight Division and are new then we have to see some work.
Kinetical Impact: Or you're automattically in the Lightweight
RalphsBagels: Understandably. .
RalphsBagels: Any word on a possible date or time that the league will be open to eager participants?
Kinetical Impact: We should start sign-ups by Friday.
Kinetical Impact: And if people are quick enough the league wil begin the week after sign-ups.
RalphsBagels: Anything else?
Kinetical Impact: That's about it.
RalphsBagels: The basis for an innovative league seems to be there, I wish you luck in putting the ideas together and initiating them. .
Kinetical Impact: Thank you.

this week's TOP PUNCHes.

10. Unoriginal Bastard Couldn't Think Of A Battle Board Name.
Like Bald Guys In Kayaks.Against Me You Could Never Row Gain.

9.It's like "Jordan on Iverson", I'm Allen and you still wouldnt be "the Best-that-ive-killed!",
I could "rip your eyes out" and *w*rap then in my verse, and you still couldn't "RECOGNIZE-SKILL!!/

8.despite your plans and lame attempts at Slaying Vets w/ your bars
i'll up my record & kids'll see BM add a W . . like expensive cars : )
Baron Mynd

7. this kids record is i'm leaving him level headed
it's not his fault give him credit....its just the wins and loses are competing together

6. He's losing, but at a guess . . he begged Sureal to face a white kid,
heard "next week Your Getting Mynd", and this virgin got excited
Baron Mynd

5. DS? Your losin .. Sand You'll soon See For Yourself
N' i Don't Need fast net Connections, to Hand DS-L's

4. what do you expect, he knows.. checked in w/ Respect & Clout
now he has Nothing to Show for it like Tyson's Checking Account

3. let the hatin' stop. ..let's make this battle a legend. the best one
cuz i have to admit you stay real . . .almost like sk!llz death was
Duper Sand

2. My guns lining on ya necklace ... this one line is gettin hectic
I'll win this without a shadow of a doubt like the sun shining on a skeptic

1. Ya Can't handle the Gold, ToNe's known to Split Foes
Sands rockin MetaSins avey, hopin to get Dick Rhode.

That's it for this week. . I'll leave the thread open until the mass free-posting session commences again. Question/Comments, drop them here. Good Luck next week!
Authentik Intelligence
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