Thread: Empty BEATS
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Old 08-11-03, 02:46 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

its empty because your not incorporating other instruments into the track.... there should be other instruments(not required) to support and sometimes go against the flow of the main melody...

here's an example of an old beat i did months back.... basic combo of piano and strings.... notice how the strings flow at a slow pace with the piano... and also notice... how the flute is doing its own thing... it doesn't flow perfectly with the piano or the strings...
the best way to learn is to experiment...
throw a sax, xylophone, cello, violin, basoon, glockenspeil, or whatever into the mix... test to see if flows right... fuck with it...
you just gotta paint the beat you want... unlike a painter unable to erase... you have the ability to put instruments through what i call an "audition"......

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