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Old 08-18-03, 08:59 AM   #25
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fucken dont look at the bluddy dictionary, im talkin about street language..... on the streets, a nerd is basically sumone whos smart, and is enthusiastic about bein smart and interested in all those intellectual stuff......... and eminem can compete with canibus, the reason he stands above him too is becoz he raps about life, hardship, friends, controversy, business etc. while canibus is explaining to me about the downfall of the human race by sum bluddy thanks..em simplified his lyrics cos he needed to get rich, but at his full ability, he challenges bis.... maybe bis shuld take a leaf outta his book and maybe hed have sum money and fame for once instead of wasting his life rhymin about science and maths..... i rekn bis could be very successful if he just rapped about sumthin ppl could relate to for once
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