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Old 08-19-03, 04:13 PM   #4
Mental God
Posts: n/a

Lets start out... with a picture... dusty and old-
worthless to a strager, but a family's story it told\
It was a picture of a man, very tall, very strong-
had a perfect life, perfect family, thought it could never go wrong\
The man's name was Ryan, in the Navy at the Private rank-
he wasnt captured by enemies, and no.... his ship never sank\
He had a wife, who was pregnant, when he decided to join-
he decided he wanted to see the world, that was out side of Des Moines\
His wife begged him to stay, but his mind was already set-
but he never knew that this would forever be, his one and only regret\
He got to see the world, china, africa, and brazil-
but after he got back, he realized that his life was not fulfulled\
By now his son was born and grown, and he had never seen his father-
Ryan dreamed his son would run and hug him, but he didnt even bother\
His son had no idea who this shady figure in the doorway was or what he wanted-
Ryan knew who the boy was and could see he was unwanted\
He gave his wife a kiss and said that he had to leave-
he hated himself for not knowing the child he help concieve\
Ryan went out to the car, where he had all his navy things-
he had his clothes and his uniform, and his gold weddin ring\
He still couldnt believe he didnt know his own son-
so he unzipped his bag, where he also had his gun\
He walked in the house to his son, and found a bit of satisfaction-
he shot his son and him self in the head, so the boys father would never be missing in action\