Thread: favorite movie
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Old 08-20-03, 07:43 PM   #27
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Define 'indy films' please. Because i am not that into movies. Though no doubt appreciate them, and at times enjoy them.

Don't have 'favourites' as such. As i rarely, if ever watch a movie more than once. And even those usually disappear somewhere deep into the back of my mind (i.e. i barely remember them..).

But there are two. Which have meanings which hit hard and kind of personal. Though not directly related (i.e. the exact subject).

Apocolypse Now (that end scene, when they butcher that ox in a ritual dance of frenzy in tandemn with the killing of Brando...brilliant..and of course, the end words of 'the horror, the horror..'..cap it all off...superb depiction of the extremes of humanity and this world in general...amongst other things..).

Runaway Train (With Jon Voight and Eric Roberts...gritty philosophy. More complex than some may think at first glance. And the ending is fitting...)..
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